Milton Mills (revisited) The Ian Parsons Reject from the album Late On Time (2000) email: The single most boring place on earth is where I love to be Kicking back by the waterfalls Im full of hope and feeling free. Lord I miss the peacefulness of those carefree younger days. Pleasant Valleys tiny town, the place where I was raised. Milton Mills, Milton stills, Milton thrills, Milton hills Hard to leave, I cant believe that it has me just like the breeze. Weve all gone through a lot in this town with so much heart. Growing up here with my friends, we just dreamed to reach the stars. The air we breathe is clean, theres a growing music scene And all the kids here know that theyve got a lot to show outside of Milton Mills, Milton stills, Milton thrills, Milton hills. Hard to leave I cant believe that it sends me like a summers breeze. Milton Mills, Milton stills. Ill live free or Ill die in Milton Mills, Milton thrills, my oh me, my oh my oh my. Live Free or Ill die. Live free or Ill die. (kick up tempo/power) / BRIDGE Hey there kids dont make the mistake cause the rest of the worlds not like this place. Youll be looking around at the age of 29 saying how did I get here, what happened to the time? Funny how things never seem to change, the schools still poor, theres an empty Grange. Everybody knows about the news last night. Who was drunk, who lost the fight? The kids gotta think to find their way, use their minds and hearts to break the chain. Dont let fear keep you in a small town, cause small closed minds get lost and never found. For all the ups and all the downs, live free or die in a good small town. Milton Mills, Milton stills, Milton thrills, and a Milton hills. Ive got to leave so I can see that it gave me my clarity. It gave me my sanity. It gave me sobriety, (slow down tempo) one day at a time, one day at a time. Well Ill live free or Ill day one more day at a time. Ill live free or Ill die one more day at a time. (x2)