Oh Happy Day - Love Will Shine

Текст песни Misc Soundtrack - Oh Happy Day - Love Will Shine

Oh Happy Day - Love Will Shine
Misc Soundtrack
   / Martin Brygmann  /
  / Love Will Shine  /
 / Oh Happy Day     /

Here are the chords for this wonderfully ever-modulating song.

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|   A7b9 |    |  |  ||

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 2x Chorus

 2x Intro

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 Brass Outro:
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No matter how you do it
We'll get through it
If you open your mind
Although it might seem hard for a start
With so much love to share
Let your spirit take you there

There's nothing to it
Even though you're shy to find this high inside
See how the blues tend to lose
If you choose to fight it

Love will shine, just follow the signs
Keep believing, straight ahead, so much more to come
Together we can more any mountains
The sound of a voice so beautiful

It's not the way you show it
Well, if you know it
In the depth of your heart
A certain blissful rise in your eyes
and the fear will melt away
You know, it's gonna be a happy day

Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 2nd /December /10
Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!