English Version from the 2015 animation film, Le petit Prince (The little Prince) Composed by Hans Zimmer and Richard Harvey Performed by Camille Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this by ear andthe chorus was rather tricky. You can always change a chord to something that sounds more accurate to you, but this is what I could make out simply by listening to the song and playing on a piano. Chords Used: ; ; ; ; ::Intro:: (And throughout) Minus 2 times minus 3 6Y you end up with 5 X plus 3Y times 2 XXY rewrite equation 1 ::Verses:: Have I made you cross Have I made you sad Have I made you proud ... Mom? Will I ever know How white is the snow? ... Does is matter after all? Will I ever learn How to fly like birds? Maybe ::Chorus:: In an hour In a day In a week In a thousand weeks In a year In a million years (...) ::Verses:: Are you going to school? Are you far from home Are you well alone There, there Will I be a brave Will I be a bright Will I be a good Grown up? (...)