In The Heights - Alabanza

Текст песни Misc Soundtrack - In The Heights - Alabanza

In The Heights - Alabanza
Misc Soundtrack
She was found and pronounced

At the scene
She was already lying in bed
The paramedics said that her heart gave out

I mean
That's basically what they said
They said a combination of the stress and the heat
Why she never took her medicine, I'll never understand
I'd like to think she went out in peace
With pieces of bread crumbs in her hand

Abuela Claudia had simple pleasures
She sang the praises of things we ignore
Glass Coke bottles, bread crumbs, a sky full of stars
She cherished these things, she'd say: "Alabanza."
Alabanza means to raise this thing to God's face
And to sing, quite literally: "Praise to this."
When she was here, the path was clear
And she was just here
she was just here...

Alabanza a doña Claudia, señor
Alaban-za, alaban-za