(just guitar) ITS A WHOLE NEW WORLD by: aginst all odds can you show me the world shin-ing so bright A I feel like i'm just dreaming all you said to me let your heart de-cide and just open your eyes and you won-der A is it a whole new world (end of guitar solo) no one to tell no and no where to go A and we're saying where only dreaming (go to chorus) Its a daz-zling place that I never new but now from my eyes its crys-tal clear i'm in a whole new world with you (chorus) unbeliveble sights i can't belive how it feels its like i'm flying thought the skys A it feels like a whole new world (chorus) A hundred thousand things to see i'm not going to close my eyes i feel like a shooting star i'v got so far A trying to get back where i came (chorus) can you show me the world tonight can we fly across the sky there will be a thrilling place for me and you (go back to VERSE 2)