Blood Money

Текст песни Webber Andrew Lloyd - Blood Money

Blood Money
Webber Andrew Lloyd
   /                           /  This is where Judas has come to Caiaphas and
  /  Blood Money              /  his priests to reveal Jesus' location, in the
 /  Jesus Christ Superstar   /  faith that they'll arrest him and then stop his
/___________________________/  dangerous, growing popularity that'll kill him.

  * This tab was originally transcribed by Robb Anagnostis on his complete   *
  * Jesus Christ Superstar chords & lyrics site (follow the link below):     *
  * www.dosguys.com/JCS/Jesus_Christ_Superstar_-_Chords_&_Lyrics_(by_RA).htm *
  * This is only rearranged and slightly corrected by Maitinin.              *

Check out my tab for the "This Jesus Must Die"-part as well!

Annas:          Cut the protesting, forget the excuses
                We want information get, up off the floor
Caiaphas:       We have the papers, we need to arrest him
                You know his movements - we know the law
Annas:          Your help in this matter won't go unrewarded
Caiaphas:       We'll pay you in silver - cash on the nail
                We just need to know where the soldiers can find him
Annas:          With no crowd around him
Caiaphas:       Then we can't fail

Judas:          I don't need your blood money!
Caiaphas:       Oh that doesn't matter our expenses are good
Judas:          I don't want your blood money!
Caiaphas:       But you might as well take it - we think that you should

Priest I:       Think of the things you can do with that money
                Chose any charity give to the poor
Caiaphas:       We've noted your motives - we've noted your feelings
Priest I:       This isn't blood money - it's a fee nothing
                Fee nothing, fee nothing more_____ (hold last note over drone )

[drone  octaves]
Judas:          On Thursday night you'll find him where you want him
                Far from the crowd in Garden of Gethsemane

[vocal harmony stacked =      (on guitar - 2x46x6)]
Choir:          Well done, Judas
                Good old Judas

Jon Sebastian Frederiksen - 4th /November /09
Just mail me at Maitinin@gmail.com with questions, comments and corrections!
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