Even Better Than the Real Thing
Give me o ne more chance, and you'll be satisfied
Give me t wo more chances you won't be denied
Well my heart is where it's always been
My h ead is somewhere in between
Give me one more chance let me be your lover tonight
(Check it out)
Yo u're the r eal thin g, y eah the real thing
Yo u're the r eal thin g
Ev en better than the r eal thing
Give me o ne last chance and I'm gonna m ake you si ng
Give me half a chance to r ide on the waves that you bring
You're honey child to a swarm of bees
Gonna blow right through you like a breeze
Give me one last dance, we'll s lide down the surface of thi ngs
Yo u're the r eal thin g, y eah the real thing
Yo u're the r eal thin g
Ev en better than the r eal thing
We're fr ee to fly the cr imson sky
The s un won't melt our w ings tonight
O h no w, h ere she comes
T ake me highe r, take me higher
an you take me higher ?
W ill you take me higher ?
Yo u're the r eal thin g, y eah the real thing
Yo u're the r eal thin g
Ev en better than the r eal thing
Ev en better than the r eal thing
Ev en better than the r eal thing