Bye Bye Blackbird

Текст песни Paul McCartney - Bye Bye Blackbird

Bye Bye Blackbird
Paul McCartney
Bye bye blackbird     Ray Henderson / Mort Dixon
Tabbed by: Mike Lydiat
-mail: mike@docsworkshop.co.uk

You can hear these chords on this Sound Cloud page:



Blackbird  black - bird singing the blues  all    day 
Right out-side my   door

Blackbird  black-bird why do you sit    and   say  
"There's no sun-shine in  store"? 
All through the winter you hung a  -  round
Now I be-gin to feel homeward bound 
Blackbird   black-bird gotta be on     my    way
Where there's sunshine galore. 

Pack up all my care and woe, Here I go     singing low  
Bye bye black-bird 
Where somebody waits for me,  Sugar's sweet so is she
Bye  bye blackbird
No one here can love or under-stand me
Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light, I'll     a-rrive late tonight
Blackbird   bye bye.    

Blue-bird  blue-bird  calling me far    a  -  way 
I've been longing for you 
Blue-bird  blue-bird  what do I hear   you   say? 
"Skies are turn-ing blue" 
I'm like a flower that's fa - ding here 
Where ev'ry hour is one long tear 
Blue-bird blue-bird this is my lu -   cky   day 
Now my dreams will come true.  

Make my bed and light the light, I'll     a-rrive late tonight
Blackbird     bye bye     Blackbird   bye bye.