Whyteshadows - Khoom Plig Zoo

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Whyteshadows - Khoom Plig Zoo

Whyteshadows - Khoom Plig Zoo
Misc Unsigned Bands
Khoom Plig Zoo
tabbed by: thread her

sorry for the weirdness. i don't think this is completely right but this
song was a lot harder than i thought it'd be. there's two key changes in
the song and i did it as good as i could. hopefully this is at least a good
starting point for you. feel free to adjust as you see fit. also, sorry if
i got the wrong words...i may have mixed some green w/ white when copying
this down...GOD BLESS

tuning: standard

capo: 1 (or tune up 1/2 step)


uatsaug kuv niam thiab txiv
kws neb tau pub yug los ua neeg
tau tuav kuv tes thaum kuv tau rho
kuv thawj kauj ruam ua neeg
neb tau luagntxhi tu kuv loj hlob
thiab ntxias kuv thaum kuv quaj
thiab puag kom kuv tsaugzog
ntawm neb txaistes

khoomplig zoo tshaajplawg hauv ntiajteb
yog kuv muaj kuv niam thiab txiv los
ua lub ntuj tshav rua kuv lub neej

***Key Change: , , , 

kuv niam thiab txiv, neb tej txiajntsig
kuv yuav nco ntsoov mus ib txhis
thaum kuv ua rau neb nyuajsiab los
neb tseem hlub kuv li qub
qhov no kuv yuav khaws hauv nruabsiab
thov ua lub ntuj tsaug uas
tso kuv tshwmsim los ua
neb tus mesnyuam

khoomplig zoo tshaajplawg hauv ntiajteb
yog kuv muaj kuv niam thiab txiv los
ua lub ntuj tshaav rua kuv lub neej

tsi muaj lwmtug hlub li neb
neb txoj kev hlub tsi muaj kawg
siv tagnrho neb lub zog
kuv thiajli zoo li no

khoomplig zoo tshaajplawg huv nplajteb
yog kuv muaj kuv nam hab txiv lug
ua lub ntuj tshaav rua kuv lub neej

kuv nam hab txiv thaum xaav txug meb
lub kuamuag lug vim kuv paub
tas kuv yeej tsi tau hlub meb txaus
thov meb zaam txim rua kuv
huv nplajteb yeej tsi muaj leejtwg
yuav lug hloov tau meb chaw
zoo sab vim kuv muaj meb
uas kuv nam hab kuv txiv

picking barre chords gets pretty hard/tiring so practice hard