Time Held Short - Jesus Christ

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Time Held Short - Jesus Christ

Time Held Short - Jesus Christ
Misc Unsigned Bands
John 3:16 
Finger Pick:
for god so love the world 
that he gave his only begotten son 
and who so ever believeth in him 
shall not parish but have everlasting life

Palm Mute:
, , ,  x2

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will Pray in your name
oh lord, please save me from my wretched ways
I don't deserve forgiveness
but you can help change me
so that I may go to heaven and be with you

Jesus Christ I will pray in your name
Jesus Christ I will sing in your praise

Palm Mute:
, , ,  x2

Finger Pick:
  Deuteronomy 31:6
  Be strong and courageous. 
  Do not be afraid or terrified of them,
  for the lord your god goes with you; he will never leave you
  nor forsake you.

Palm Mute:
, , ,  x2

Jesus Christ I will pray in your name
Jesus Christ I will sing in your praise

Check Me Out!!!!
