Perry Leopold - Absurd Paranoid

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Perry Leopold - Absurd Paranoid

Perry Leopold - Absurd Paranoid
Misc Unsigned Bands
I advise you all to listen to the song in parallel so you can best get the timing. 
Please leave corrections in the comments and I shall update the document. Feel free to rate.

You never see your face
You never know just how you look, outside your world
You can't comprehend the space
That fills the void inside your mind
Untill the time wears out
Never in a lifetime we/you'll know
Your self
Everything in your world turns
Arround your egocentric soul
Then your mind begins to burn
With questions of the world today
Things you'll never know
Never in a lifetime we know
Your friends

disregard the holy sign
or else believe the holy light

  [repeat at your own pace, listen to the song for timing and pace]
enter through the portholes of antiquity
into the universal consciousness of mankind
glide within the opec substance of your mind
come in and look arround
see the men who have come in every age of fear
Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed
men who have caused revolutionary changes in society
the reprecusions of which are still felt today
like the ripples of watter made by a falling peble into the stream of life
come in and meet yourself
look at the walls of the universe and travel onto histry
in which every instant of time is firmly planted
some grow, some die, some reccur, and some are unique
but all is one, even in the dual reality
life is death, and death life
each defines the other, and creates the paranoia in which man exists
until the night, when

in this time consuming world
blew through your mind at frightening speeds
catch one when it starts to curl,
inspect through your looking glass
and you caught a thought.
never in a lifetime we've knowned, the reason why