Kayanna - Testimony

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Kayanna - Testimony

Kayanna - Testimony
Misc Unsigned Bands
Capo 4
I wish they knew
I wish they on-ly knew
The an-ger he-ld in-si-ide
The anger that I  hide

I wish they knew
I wish they on-ly knew
The helplessness I  fe-el
The helplessness so real

I wish they knew
I wish they on-ly knew
The fear that seems so ne-ar
The reason for my tears

They cannot com-pre-hend
The pain within my soul
They can-not un-der-st-and
The depth of "such a fo-ol"

Th-ey can-not be-lie-ve
That pain cou-ld a-bide
With-in one so_ qui-et
One who us-ed to hi-de

But now I am ol- -der
And much mo-re ma-ture
And now I am bol-der
And un-der-stand much mo-re

I know that they
May never un-der-stand
The an-ger that I  hide
Deep down in-si-de

I know that they
May never un-der-stand
My help-lessness and fe-ar
The reason for my tears

I know that they
May never really know
The burden that I carry
The things I hold in tow

I know that God
Will always fully know
My anger and my sor-row
The things I never show

I know that God
Will always un-der- stand
The feelings of my heart
The person that I     am

He knows my anger
He knows my fear
He kn-ows me- e
And He holds me de  -ar

The reason for His great
And never end-ing gra-ce
Is that once before_
He fe-lt tears upon His face

He felt such pain and sorrow
They did not understand
They didnt know that this
Had been the Lords command

He died upon the cr-oss that day
He died to wa-sh my pain away

He knows my anger
And He knows my fear
He knows my helpless-ness
And He holds me    dear

I feel so much better
Now that I can see
That Christ, my Lo-rd, ca-me
And gave His life for me

I feel so much better
Now that I kn-ow
That Jesus came,
Endured that life
So He could real-ly know