Kaeley - Target Practice

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Kaeley - Target Practice

Kaeley - Target Practice
Misc Unsigned Bands
(capo 4 = key of )

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

Don't think of the trace, we can't look back
Profit is profit and not what we lack
To make the change, how much it would cost
It'd only mean how much we'd lost

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

Open for business, come in come in
We wont tell you no so you can begin
Just stay where there's people who lack the power
The status quo is what matters this hour

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

I sing and play underneath this cloud
I'll grow and learn, they'll be so proud
I'm told this is a safe place to be
Won't they all take care of me?

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

Always taught to think down the line
All's been connected since the start of time
Every move I make effects you too
But what if they don't do and we do?

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

We are all downstream from who?                         
We have to care about them too
It's time we all learn to think of that first           
So we'll expect better and not the worst                 

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

Clean air to breath, it's not too much to ask
Clean water to drink, it's a worthy task
Clean soil to grow our food upon
In this let's all come together for we all belong

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me

Send those arrows out of the sky
We want no part of your bullseye
Listen to us for we all agree
Don't target practice on me