Dairybeat - Amazing Graze - Cover

Текст песни Misc Unsigned Bands - Dairybeat - Amazing Graze - Cover

Dairybeat - Amazing Graze - Cover
Misc Unsigned Bands
DAIRYBEAT: AMAZING GRACE (2012) (J. Newton 1725-1807) 3/4-86

d|  0-2|4

-ma-zing grace, how sweet  the sound,
    |%       |          |   |
that saved  a wretch  like me.

I once  was lost, but now  I'm found,
   |%         |    |   |
was blind, but now  I see.

It was grace  that taught  my heart  to fear,
   |%        |       |    |
and grace  my fears  re-lie - ved.

How pre-cious  did  that grace  ap-pear,
   |%      |       |   |
the time  I First  be-lie - ved.

Through many  dangers,  toils  and snares,
 |%       |    |   |
I have  al-ready  come.

It was grace  that has brought  me safe  so far,
   |%          |      |  |
and grace  will lead  me ho - me.

The Lord  has promised  good  to me,
   |%       |      |   |
His word  my hope  se-cu - res.

He will  my shield  and por-tion  be,
  |%       |      |  |
as long  as life  en-du-  res.

The earth  shall soon  dis-solve  like snow,
   |%       |      |    |
the sun  for-bear  to shi - ne.

But God, who call-ed  me here  be-low,

                   / (Break)
    |%      |   |
will be  for-ever  mine.

Tab by: DAIRYBEAT (André . Hofman, Purmerend, Netherlands).
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