All Around My Hat

Текст песни Misc Traditional - All Around My Hat

All Around My Hat
Misc Traditional
This traditional 18th century song has been recorded by both Steeleye Span and Status Quo.  
This version uses the most original lyrics to the song that I could find although there
are a few other versions about inc. those used by Steeleye Span and Status Quo.

My love she was fair and my love she was kind 
And cruel the judge and jury that sentenced her away
For thieving was a thing that she never was inclined to 
They sent my love across the sea ten thousand miles away

All around my hat I will wear the green willow
All around my hat for a year and a day 
And if anyone should question me the reason for my wearing it
I'll tell them that my own true love is ten thousand miles away

I bought my love a golden ring to wear upon her finger
A token of our own true love and to remember me
And when she returns again we never will be parted
We'll marry and be happy for ever and a day.

All around my hat I will wear the green willow
All around my hat for a year and a day 
And if anyone should question me the reason for my wearing it
I'll tell them that my own true love is ten thousand miles 

Seven seven long years my love and I are parted 
Seven seven long years my love is bound to stay 
Seven long years I'll love my love and never be false hearted 
And never sigh or sorrow while she's far far away 

All around my hat I will wear the green willow
All around my hat for a year and a day 
And if anyone should question me the reason for my wearing it
I'll tell them that my own true love is ten thousand miles away

Some young men there are who are preciously deceitful
-coaxing of the fair young maids they mean to lead astray
As soon as they deceive them so cruelly they leave them 
I'll love my love forever though she's far far away 

All around my hat I will wear the green willow
All around my hat for a year and a day 
And if anyone should question me the reason for my wearing it
I'll tell them that my own true love is ten thousand miles away