Spanish Lullaby

Текст песни Marty Robbins - Spanish Lullaby

Spanish Lullaby
Marty Robbins
May not be perfect, but it sounds right to me.  Any corrections are certainly welcome.

Spanish Lullaby
Marty Robbins - 1967

 - 3x2000

This my friends is an old Spanish lullaby.
And it's been handed down from generation to generation.
And in it, a father is singing to his baby son.
And he's telling him, "Close you eyes little one and sleep.
And dream while the angels watch over you.
I will hold your hand.
And when you wake with the morning, I'll still be here.

Cierras ya tus ojitos.
Duermete sin temor.
Sueña con angelitos
parecidos a ti.

Y te agarrare tu mano.
Duermete sin temor.
Cuando tu despiertes,
yo estare aqui.

La La la la la ..La la la
La la la la la lala
la la lalala lala la
la la lalalaa lala

Y te agarrare tu mano.
Dueremete sin temor.
Cuando tu despiertes,
yo estare aqui.