Emmanuel Hallowed Manger Ground

Текст песни Chris Tomlin - Emmanuel Hallowed Manger Ground

Emmanuel Hallowed Manger Ground
Chris Tomlin
Emmanuel Hallowed Manger Ground

Artist: Chris Tomlin
Tab submitted by: Harold Schaefer
Email: schaefeh_19440@yahoo.com

This song is recorded in the key of  and there are already chord files on Ultimate for . The
sheet music is in . The chords below are transposed into the key of . But to play it in ,
put capo on 1st fret. To play it in , put capo on 5th fret, etc. 

Where is says '(3/8)', this is one measure of 3/8 instead of 6/8.

What hope we hold this star-lit night
a King is born in Bethle - hem
Our journey long, we seek the light
that leads to the hallowed manger ground

What fear we felt in the si-lent age
four hundred years can he be found
But broken by a ba-by's cry
re-joice in the hallowed man-ger  ground

 - manu - el,  - manu - el
God in-carnate here to dwell
 - manu - el,  - manu - el
                          /    /   
Praise His name  - man - u - el

The son of God
Here, born to bleed
A crown of thorns 
Would pierce His brow
And we beheld this offering
Ex-alted now, the King of kings
Praise God 
For the hallowed manger  ground

 - manu - el,  - manu - el
God in-carnate here to dwell
 - manu - el,  - manu - el
Praise His name  - man - u - el

                                      /    /
Praise His name  - man    -    u    -    el
Oh praise his name (Oh praise his name)
Emmanuel   - man-u - el
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