I№m victimized and tantalized Brutalized and chained They№ll devastate - intoxicate They№re driving me insane - forever They regulate - investigate Complicate my life Everyday insanity There№s nothing going right - I mean forget it I№ve been there before Can№t take it no more That№s why I№m like a loaded gun A man with a mission Like a loaded gun I№m human ammunition They mutilate and penetrate They masturbate my brains When all I need for sanity Is love to ease my pain I№m tortured, sick and tired I№m that weapon to be fired Overloaded - unexploded Don№t you make me cross the final Line I№ve been there before I can№t take it no more That№s why I№m like a loaded gun I№m a man with a mission Like a loaded gun You can pull my trigger Just like a loaded gun On a social collision See my eyes - I mesmerize Read my lips - it№s time to cut the crap I№ve been there before I can№t take it no more That№s why I№m like a loaded gun A man with a mission Like a loaded gun I№m human ammunition Like a loaded gun On a social collision Like a loaded gun I№m ready to explode - Like a loaded gun